New Puppy? Is old Fido being extra stubborn? Does your house look like a war zone? YouTube Videos not helping the cause? No sweat, we’ve got you covered!

We teach old (and new) dogs new tricks.

“Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen.”

— Orhan Pamuk

OPP: Obedient Pampered Pets.



We believe the best animal is any kind that is well-trained and bringing you more joy than heartache. Your favorite furniture and shoes don’t have to suffer for the cause.


Positive reinforcement is our game. Your pets are like your children, and like good grandparents- we plan to pamper them! Training does not have to be miserable, you and your pet do not have to suffer. Let us spoil them rotten while helping you turn Fido into the perfect little angel you know he is deep down.


We love pets- dogs are our specialty though. Need help with a different type of pet? We can help you find the right fit. Contact us, let’s chat.

“Your dog is doing the best it can with the information you are providing.”


The question is, are you providing the right information? Our trainers are experienced professionals that know just the right information to give your pet.

Quit beating yourself up if training your pet yourself hasn’t worked out. Nobody was born with innate pet training knowledge. We have done the hard work of going to school and gaining experience to handle every pet in every situation. Don’t believe us? Contact us today for your free in-home consultation!

Start a new relationship with your pet now.